Monday, January 14, 2013

4 Two-page Essays Related To China

Running Head : BUSINESS IN CHINABusiness in chinaindicate your title hereindicate the name of your professor hereindicate the academic institution hereDefinition of ChinaIn an name writerize What is China really like written by Elinar Tangen (2008 ) and print online at the Small Business Times , an image of the domain of China is drawn that shows how individuals the author knew have canvasn reality when they visited the region for the 2008 Beijing Olympics . The people mentioned have been able to see the contrasting elements of the Chinese society to an extent that their short trip make possible . They have seen the enterprise system of the kingdom unneurotic with the people that lives in that location . They have experienced how it is like to be treated by the Chinese people and compare this to how they see them . The Chinese way of life is also the interest of the article where it is seen that life has changed ever since in accordance with the standards formed for the sustenance conditions in the country . The economic conditions are also high trippinged including the follow of living within the country in addition to the environmental issues that are to the country . There is definitely a dissimilarity with regard to the image they initially had of China but as the trip passed by , a positive image started to evolveIn the nullify of the article , the author noted that doing business in China is definitely not for everyone who regards to venture into the country in light of the advantages that are world spoken of with regard to engaging in such activity (Tangen , 2008 . However , it is further argued by the author that it is meant to be for those who are brave enough to take the possibility in terms of knowing the country more than what is being spoken of with regard to the country and the aspects of its social , economic , and policy-making stance (Tangen , 2008 .
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It is only through the holistic understanding of the country that individuals who wish to venture in such could take a rightful step in entering the business firmament of the country . It is important to note that there are some(prenominal) factors that need to be considered aside from the financial and economic viability of the countryDefinitely , the lesson provided in the article is a valid one Venturing business into some early(a) country tends to be a very tedious growth and requires that one should discover the possibilities through a systematic conceive of the country and forgetting the stereotypes or notions that are associated with how the people are and other cultural factors . Likewise , since the country holds a distinct gardening that is not a commonly known one , there is a need to consider the cross-cultural impact of each external private company . Some of the afflictions associated with a foreign organization working in another country is because of the failure to consider the cultural differences between the host country and the...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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