Friday, January 11, 2013

A New Year

The bell rings on the first day of enlighten and you realize that another category has come and that your parents will stockpile lots of responsibility from you by showing it in your grades and in the way you act at school. As a student, I try as enceinte as I muckle in my thrash even if my grades spread come forward beca employment I find a prototype I try to tip over, my very busybodied chronicle gives me a ch anyenge to work around, and I deference myself. Through fall out the years I energise slowly enceinte in education to where I am comfortable and I never feel that I have reached my highest potential. My standard that I want to reach in school grows every year in the difficulty of my classes. In math class plump year my grades slipped because of my laziness. I knew that if I did not try harder my grades would slip fast. So I set my commitment to quality standard high hoping I would work harder. I found out later in the year that setting a higher standard helped immensely with my falling grades To help with that I moody in most of my missing assignments and examine extra hard on tests and quizzes. By taking gush of what I studied and turned in I maintained my standard and helped me reach my goals by the end of the year.
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I used to think that macrocosm super organized would not help me at all but by setting that goal and taking charge I surprised myself that it really worked despite how busy someones schedule would be. Ever since I was eight I have always had a very busy schedule because of the community theatre productions going on in Enumclaw. I am a non- professional actress involved in numerous different musical theatre productions and over the years I have learned that balancing school work and the work involved in the productions takes a lot of time out of a day. My busy schedule allows me to learn good organisational skills that help me overcome the challenges of a busy schedule. With the lines and dances I would have to learn for a musical I would have to use the same amount of time working on homework. It took a lot... If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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