Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Consuming Art And Design Essay

The reports of radio , internet , television and newss solely effect our perceptions . thus , these forms of media have a direct impact on how we gibe and understand the world . The news that we watch and the stories that we read every(prenominal) shape our world vista . However , this world view is one that is non al elans based on the earth of the story and may , in accompaniment tell altogether half of the story . In high stakes and banging money bena of the media , agenda stageting and consensus is a fact of life . Networks tell the story that the powerful essential them to and free media is often dismissed as rogue or not credible . Developed by those in power who set specific agendas to suit their needs , the mainstream news is as the powers-that-be want us to see it . It has long been said that news , like any other product , has a price tagReflecting on mainstream media Noam Chomsky once said the product of the media , what appears , what doesn t appear , the way it is aslant will reflect the interest of the buyers and sellers , the institutions and the power systems that are virtually them (Chomsky , 1997 . para . 16 The buyers and power systems control what it is that the media covers and , in pith , we are seeing what they want us to . To what extent we so-and-so believe what we hear and see and to what extent it has been manufactured by the spin doctors of those with a vested interested is something we all need to indecision . The larger the story , the higher the stakes the content inform about events that may impact the wealthy and influential could wellspring be determined by the wealthy and influential themselvesBut what are agenda setting and consensus and how do they shape our view of in-chief(postnominal) stories ? Agenda setting can be defined as the creation by the media of public concern and awareness of problems or issues .
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As political scientist Bernard Cohen said as far rearward as 1963 , the press may not be self-made much of the time in telling people what to cipher but it is stunningly successful in telling its readers what to echo about (cited by Griffin , 2006 . The media , in essence takes a story that they have a wish to shape or control and they present it to the public in a way that alters or highlights the public awareness of the issue . If the media focuses itself enough on one issue or another , the level of importance of that issue is raised in the public perception essentially , the public starts to believe that if the media is covering that one story so much , then it has to be important . Consensus occurs when the media coordinates this effort , consciously or not , and as a result , all the networks , all newss and all mainstream training sources come to agree on coordinated and common agenda and message . As a result , it becomes very difficult to find any information other...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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