Monday, January 14, 2013

The Media And Children Obesity

1 Media has afflicted the modern with sundry(a) maladies . One observation of this media affliction is corpulency . Various inquiry studies have manifested that in that location is a direct link amongst media and obesity fleshiness in children amplifies with the more hours they Are exposed to media especially distinguishable forms of electronic media i .e . television receiver internet etc . A vignette conducted by various researchers at the University at Buffalo , Johns Hopkins University , The subject Cancer Institute , and br the Centers for Disease Control (Crespo , 2001 . This obesity is not limited to free weight gain only entirely research illustrates that obesity places children at the perils of a variety of health problems . Type II diabetes is closely associated with weightMedia erects to obesity in various ways . This first indication is the lack of physical activeness . Secondly , it promotes the products of food and hence contributes toward over-eating by children . Watching telly and playing video spunkys reduces the metabolic rate of children and hence they get weight . Although there are several other media factors that assist these master(prenominal) factors to get the child obesity , but we will focus on on these three prime effects A research by Kaiser Family Foundation (2005 ) found that children ranging between 8 to 18 , spend most of their leisure condemnation (44 .5 hours per week ) in utilizing different types of media i .e . computer television , and game screens . This time spending is more than in any other performance (Kaiser Family Foundation , 2005 . Ceryain other studies has disclosed that 60 of the overweight in children , ages 10-15 , may be due to excessive television display (Gortmacher , 1996This too much time-spending on media makes them physically inactive They do not indulge them in playing outdoor game where physical application is needed .
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So this physical matte increases their weight Limiting screen time and removing televisions from chambers can be important first steps to encourage the children for physical activity In another study , Television viewing and television in bedroom associated with overweight risk among low-income preschool children by Dennison , et al , 2002 ) says that preschoolers (ages 1-4 , a child s risk of being overweight increase by 6 for all hour of television watched per twenty-four hours . If that child had a TV in his or her bedroom , the odds of being overweight jumped an additional 31 for every hour watchedFood advertisement in the media further deteriorates the situation . The promotions of food items increase the eating and also worsen their food choices . Children usance to select those food items that are unspoiled with fats and carbohydrates (the major sources to contribute to obesity . There is a direct link between advertisement and fast food consumption . Popular photograph characters are imitated in their eating style by the children and unseasoned alike and they try to taste the same food . This over-eating increases the obesity among children . Furthermore , constant exposure to media decreases the metabolism of children . So reducing and regulation of food ads...If you want to get a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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