Friday, January 11, 2013

Adolescent Stage - Short Essay

Angelica Lopez Adolescent Stage The term adolescence is commonly used to outline the transition point between childhood and adulthood. Adolescence is also equated to both(prenominal) the terms teenage years and puberty.I fully hold that this stage in the human life cycle is the about difficult. Adolescence is basically a duration of storm and stress. This concept whitethorn be recognized in the sundry(a) dimensions of self. These dimensions include: physical, intellectual, friendly, emotional, and honourable self. In the adolescence period, an one-on-ones hormones begin to react at various moments, hence, the emotional dimension is present causing feelings such as: love, happiness, sadness, and anxiety; these feelings may lead up to nerve-racking situations which are difficult to handle. Storm, is recognized in the individual social dimension because he/she will be exposed to alliance more and various problems will surface depending on their take of socialization. The physical dimension is visible due(p) to the fact that the adolescence eubstance begins to develop which may be difficult depending on how the individual views his/her self with the changes. Intellectually, the teenager has the capacity to learn a manikin of things; therefore, he/she will have a hard time adapting to the higher level of education.
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The ethical self is most classical in my perspective because it defines an individual value system, and teenagers are approach with peer pressure at this stage; hence, arising at problems due to peer pressure with knowing whats right and wrong. The various dimensions mentioned prior are key aspects in the development of an individual. The adolescence is fount with more responsibilities for each dimension at this stage; consequently, allowing difficulties to arise as the child has to adopt to such a stage in his/her life. As you can see, many conflicts are manageable at this stage of life as it is a major transition that occurs for a child. To conclude, I believe it is... If you want to hire a full essay, order it on our website: Orderessay

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